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Birthday Tennis Party

Celebrate your child's birthday

At JINJI TENNIS CENTER, we support parents to create the perfect combination of fun and skill development Birthday Party for children above the age of 4. In promoting a stay-fit lifestyle, you can invite as many as 30 children and we even supply invitations.


What do you do at the Party?

There will be 75 minutes of fun tennis activities that will be modified according to the age and standard of the participants. The emphasis will be on participation and cooperation and the games and activities will be the ones that are often utilized by experienced coaches.


Where is the party held?

On weekends at the Nishimachi inter-school ( moto Azabu area ) We have had some fantastic parties there and we trust that this one will be no different..


What if the children have never played tennis before?

The knowledge of tennis is not required from the kids. There are lots of games and drills that can be done by every child of 4 and above that can be done.


What about the food?

We have a party room inside the clubhouse.
An additional fee is required

Location and the fees

Location:  Nishimachi Interschool 

Please write down the date and time you would like.

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